Current Projects

Resource Curatorial Team 

Collection of updated resources is a key component of creating and maintaining the Race.Culture.OBGYN website and ensuring that the most current conversations in this sphere are shared. We are looking for resources that can aid in improving education around health equity, race and racism in OB graduate training. Resources may be podcasts, articles, videos, and more. New resources will be tracked and collected through this document.


FLAME Lectures x Race.Culture.OBGYN Collaboration

The details are outlined in this document, The basic premise of the project is to create adjunct DEI lecture slides for each of the FLAME OBGYN topics. We each can pick a topic and create slides on DEI aspects of that medical issue. Our goal is to have multiple slides so we can compare strategies as well as talk about what we think is important to include in our additions to the lectures. Please sign up for lectures here:  

AMWA x Race.Culture.OBGYN

 This series of podcasts with AMWA and the Reproductive Justice Working Group focus on the people doing work in the field of DEI and sexual and reproductive health. We hope to create a series of podcasts and webinars highlighting the work done to move social justice and DEI work in OBGYN forward. 

Check out our series on the Voices page or here.

Please email us at if you are interested in working with us in the above projects.